2021 Data4COVID19 Africa Challenge (EUR 100,000 in funding) Application Form Portal – datachallenge.africa – This is to inform the general public that covid-19 Africa Challenge (EUR 100,000 in funding) form is out. See Guideline and requirement below:
l’Agence française de développement (AFD), together with Expertise France and The GovLab, is soliciting innovative proposals (re)using data in a collaborative and responsible way to provide actionable intelligence for decision-makers and people to respond to COVID-19 and future pandemic challenges across Africa.
AFD, together with Expertise France and The GovLab, is seeking ideas and proposals that (re)use data to provide actionable insight on COVID-19 along the following domains:
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Public Heath
- Tracking Disease Spread
- Developing Disease Treatment
- Identifying the Availability of Supplies
- Monitoring Adherence to Non-Pharmaceutical Interventions
Call for Proposals: 2021 Data4COVID19 Africa Challenge (EUR 100,000 in funding) Economic
- Supporting Post-Pandemic Re-openings and Recovery
- Alleviating Pandemic-related Unemployment and Poverty
- Guaranteeing Protections for Workers
- Supporting Education and Upskilling
- Fostering Business and Government Solvency
- Understanding Public Perceptions and Behavior
- Protecting Human Rights and Promoting Accountability
- Addressing Misinformation
Applicants must submit their application in English or French.
To be eligible for a grant, the applicant must:
- Be a legal person (legal entity) or a grouping of such persons (consortium) within the limit of 3 legal persons per grouping;
- The lead partner of the consortium must be established in one of the African Union countries;
- International organisations and trust funds are excluded;
- Have a bank account in the name of the entity;
- Each member of the consortium must be registered within the Trade and Companies Registry of its country;
- Be directly responsible for the preparation and implementation of the action and not act as an intermediary. Subcontracting is not allowed;
- The lead partner’s average cumulative annual turnover over the last two years for which the accounts have been closed must be at least three times the grant application;
- The general liquidity ratios (current assets/current liabilities) for the last two financial years closed must be at least 1 (one). In the case of a consortium, this criterion must be met by each of its members.
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The verification of eligibility is carried out on the basis of the supporting documents requested by the project. The supporting documents requested in this phase are as follows:
- The statutes or articles of association of each partner;
- For each member an extract of registration in the Trade and Companies Register (RCS) (less than 3 months);
- A document specifying the name and function of the legal representative of the entity;
- A document delegating power of attorney by each member of the partnership to its lead partner.
Where these documents are not provided in English or French, a translation of these documents must be attached for the analysis of the application.
Call for Proposals: 2021 Data4COVID19 Africa Challenge (EUR 100,000 in funding) Benefits
- The call offers recipients a contribution between 50-100K in funding. AFD expect between 7 -10 projects will receive awards.
For More Information:
Visit the Official Webpage of the Data4COVID19 Africa Challenge 2021
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